Hog Hunting Pictures

A couple of Boars

Photo: Pig Problem Inc. Thermal Hog Hunt

Photo: Pig Problem Inc. Thermal Hog Hunt

Wendel and Tommy took a pair of boars down and hit a few others but weren’t recovered. Spring is here and the weather is mild so its a great time to book a hunt.

Travis Hammered This Boar

Photo: Pig Problem Inc. Georgia Hog Hunts

Photo: Pig Problem Inc. Georgia Hog Hunts

Travis came all the way down from Pennsylvania to hunt hogs in Americus, Georgia. The weather was turning and at first the Pigs were not cooperating but we finally sealed the deal on a small group.

Wild Boar Night

Photo: Pig Problem Inc. Wild Boar Hunts

Photo: Pig Problem Inc. Wild Boar Hunts

Corporate group came down from North Carolina to Hunt Wild Boars in Americus, Georgia. Wild weather produced a few encounters and even got us busted on a few. We do our best to make the hunts happen in all weather conditions, but its easy out of our Hunting Van approriately named Southern Comfort.

Mentors taking these young men on a hunt of a lifetime.

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Photo: @PigProblemInc. Georgia Hog Hunts

Photo: Pig Problem Inc. Georgia Hog Hunts

Photo: Pig Problem Inc. Georgia Hog Hunts

Grateful to be apart of this hunt with these guys. looking forward to tomorrow. The rain didn’t slow the hogs down at all. Getting the next generation into hunting is extremely important to me. Long Live The Outdoors and Long Live The Adventures.

I Had 2 Days Off... So I went Hunting

Photo: @Pigprobleminc @CaptainMax 2/4/21 Cattle Pasture Pigs are raising cane with the cows

Photo: @Pigprobleminc @CaptainMax 2/4/21 Cattle Pasture Pigs are raising cane with the cows

Had 2 Days off… So I went hunting by myself. First night I got on a single boar early on and called it a night. Second night I recovered 8 with 4-5 more hit but not recovered. 7 in this photo I accidentally left one at the scene and now have to go back tomorrow. Why did I hunt on my day off? Landowners and Farmers give me access to their property to help with their Pig Problem. It is a privilege to do what I do on their land. The damage these pigs do is enormous and never stops. Pig Problem Inc. isn’t just a guided hunt outfitter, we also do extensive animal control. I pride myself and my business to go the extra mile always for Farmers, Landowners, and Customers.

Photo: @PigProblemInc. @CaptianMax No Days Off 2/3/21

Photo: @PigProblemInc. @CaptianMax No Days Off 2/3/21

Eddie got Mike and Wayne on another Boar

Photo: @PigProblemInc Georgia Hog Hunts

Photo: @PigProblemInc Georgia Hog Hunts

Eddie Got Mike and Wayne on another Wild Hog. Book A Hunt and enjoy a adrenaline filled night of hunting in Americus, Georgia. Give us a Call at 706-927-5580

Mike and Wayne’s First Hog Hunt

Photo: Pig Problem Inc Hog Hunt

Photo: Pig Problem Inc Hog Hunt

Mike and Wayne came down from the Chesapeake Bay area to do a Wild Hog Hunt with us. Eddie got them on a large sounder but only this Sow was recovered on their first night hunting, Multiple stalks through out the night. Cold & windy conditions made the hunt a challenge, but a positive attitude and hard work paid off.