Hog Hunting Pictures

Georgia Thermal Hog Hunting

Photo: Hog Hunting Georgia @pigprobleminc.

Guide Capt. Wes doing what he does best slayin. 3 went down quick and 3 had to be chased around the field, but 6 were taken out of the sounder of 12. We try to get you as many hogs as possible in a night.

Wild Hog Hunting

Photo: Wild Hog Hunting Georgia @pigprobleminc.

Wild Hog Hunting in Georgia. Every Night is different sometimes you pile them up and sometimes you get one. But we do all we can to get as many as we can to help our Farmers.

Night Hog Hunting

Photo: Thermal Hog Hunting Georgia @pigprobleminc.

Photo: Night Hog Hunting Georgia @pigprobleminc.

Night Hog Hunting Americus, Georgia. We take 2-5 hunters per guide and supply all equipment necessary for a successful hunt. Book a Hunt and see. All our optics are 640 resolution we use the latest optics and upgrade every year to keep the equipment new and up to date.

Georgia Hog Hunts

Photo: Georgia Hog Hunts @PigProblemInc

Mike, Max, and Nate came for another night of Hog Hunting. Thank You for all your support and helping us Kill these Hogs for our Farmers.

Family Hog Hunts

Photo: Georgia Hog Hunting @pigprobleminc.

Peanut Protector Clayton got his Mom Amanda and Grandma Sandy on this lone Sow. The hog was skittish and was taken from a distance of 175 yards. Nothing like being able to spend time with your family while at work. We Specialize in Family style Hog Hunting.

Wild Hog Hunting

Photo: Night Hog Hunting Americus, Georgia @pigprobleminc.

Peanut Protector Guide Clayton Got his group on a single hog while protecting a peanut field. Our Group was on a do over hunt from earlier in the season. While they did have a shot opportunity on the previous hunt, most of the night was spent waiting on a tow truck. We do our best to make it a great hunt. It is wild Hog Hunting so some nights have a lot of Hogs and some nights they seem to no longer be a problem. We have had one pig go down and customers think its the best hunt of a lifetime, and other nights 20+ go down and customers asking whens the best time to come. All we can do is keep trying and go out most nights and see what mother nature has in store for us. Thank You For Hunting With Us.