Stalking Wild Hogs

Photo Night 1: You Can Run And Hide, But Capt Clayton Will Find You @PigProblem

Photo Night 2: Taking Down Wild Hogs @PigProblem

Guide Capt Clayton led a Group of Hunters on a 2 Night Hog Hunting Trip at Pig Problem, where they successfully Harvested 4 Wild Hogs. On the first night, they encountered Pigs earlier but were outsmarted. Guide Capt Clayton didn't spot another Hog until 7 am, just as the sun was rising after a long night of Hunting. Despite the challenges, he managed to take down one Wild Hog for the night. The following night, Hog Hunting remained tough due to the strange weather, but Guide Peanut Protector Capt Clayton's perseverance paid off. Describing himself as the "Forrest Gump of walking," he led the group on a Successful Hunt, taking down three Hogs on the second night.