3 Nights Of Hunting

Pig Problem

Pig Hunting

Three Nights of Hog Hunting with Guide Clayton

Hog Hunting is never predictable, and no nights in the field are ever the same. Recently, Guide Clayton led a 3-Night Hog Hunt that proved just how unpredictable—and exciting—Chasing Wild Hogs can be.

Night 1:

A Momma and Her Piglets

wild hog hunting

Photo: Momma Down @PigProblem

The first night started off with some action. A Lone Sow and her litter of Piglets made the mistake of stepping into the Hunters’ sights. The team quickly took down the mother, but the Piglets, small and fast, scattered into the brush. Shots were fired, but those little ones proved tough to hit. While none of them dropped, the night was far from uneventful.

Night 2:

Dropping a Sounder

Fun Hunting

Photo: Hunting Wild Hogs @PigProblem

The second night delivered exactly what every Hog Hunter hopes for—a Sounder moving through the fields. The hunters wasted no time and managed to take down 3 Wild Pigs, adding to the success of the Hunting Trip. CJ and Noah, feeling the adrenaline, decided to get up close for a more personal picture with their harvest. Excitement was high, and the night was a solid win for the team.

Night 3:

The Silent Fields

Thermal Hog Hunting isn’t always action-packed, and the third night was a reminder of that. Despite covering miles of ground, checking every hot spot, and staying out as long as possible, not a single Hog showed itself. Some nights, the Pigs just don’t cooperate, and this was one of those times. But as every Seasoned Hunter knows, persistence is key—because the next night could bring a Field Full of Hogs.

Three nights, three very different experiences, and another Unforgettable Hunt in the books. Whether the pigs are running or hiding, the thrill of the chase never gets old.