Hunting Near Me

Thermal Hog Hunting

Photo: Thermal Hog Hunting @PigProblem

Photo: Gut Shot @PigProblem

Thermal Hog Hunt Report: Guide Kevin Leads Successful Nighttime Adventure

Pig Problem's Thermal Hog Hunt, led by Guide Kevin, recently wrapped up a thrilling and challenging night Hog Hunt that tested the skills of our Hog Hunters. Under the cover of darkness, our team embarked on a 10-hour Hunting Adventure from 7pm to 5am, utilizing the latest thermal imaging technology to track down their elusive targets.

The night was filled with excitement as our team stumbled upon a Massive Sounder of approximately 18 Wild Hogs, presenting a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to take down these Cunning Creatures. Despite the difficulty of Hunting moving targets, Guide Kevin and his team remained focused and determined.

After a well-placed shot, the team managed to take down one impressive Hog, a testament to their skill and expertise. However, it's worth noting that Hunting Wild Hogs is an extremely challenging endeavor, requiring precision, patience, and repeated practice.

As Guide Kevin pointed out, "Hunting Wild Hogs is not for the faint of heart. It's a rare individual who can hit a target that's running 15 miles per hour and stands only 3 feet tall." The Hunt is truly a test of skill and endurance, making it all the more satisfying when a successful kill is achieved.

If you're up for the challenge and want to put your Thermal Hog Hunting skills to the test, come join Pig Problem's Expert Guides and Experienced Hunters for an Unforgettable Hunting Adventure. Book your spot today and let's see what you're made of!

Father and Son Hunting

Photo: Hunting Wild Hogs @PigProblem

Guide Capt Max took a father and son on a 1 night hog hunt at Pig Problem. It turned out to be the farthest Stalk he had ever done. Ben and Jeff, the son and father duo, worked diligently to Take Down The Hogs. The group had to regroup and rethink their angles to ensure successful shots. After some strategy adjustments, they finally managed to get on the Big Sounder and successfully took down 3 Wild Hogs. Guide Capt Max found this Hunt to be extremely rewarding and was thrilled with its success.

Close Wild Hog Encounters

Photo: Hog Hunting @PigProblem

Photo: Another Big Boy @PigProblem

Photo: Taking Down Wild Hogs @PigProblem

Hunting Hogs using Thermal Imaging often involves getting up close and personal with the animals, as the technology allows Hunters to Stalk their Prey silently and undetected. The close proximity adds an element of intensity and requires stealth and skill to execute a Successful Hunt. That’s was these guys did. They ended the night with 4 Wild Hogs!

Don't Steal From Us

Photo: Farmers>Pigs

Very slow night. Saw some Piglets that have a sixth sense about humans because they have been shot at since they were in the womb so basically Peanut Protector Clayton need a hand grenade and some face paint to get the job done with those ones. Then this Big Boar was hanging out in the middle of the field just eating nuts and stuff having a good day until Guide Capt Clayton ruined his day. Does Guide Peanut Protector Clayton feel bad? No. “My job is too ruin Pigs days so that they don’t ruin farmers days. Farmers > Pigs” -Guide Capt Clayton

New Wild Hog Territory

Hog Hunting

Photo: You’re A Little Dirty Sir @PigProblem

On night 2 of their Wild Hog Hunt, the group was accompanied by Guide Capt Max, who took them to a previously unexplored field. They had two encounters with Wild Hogs before a rainstorm interrupted their Hunt. However, the group was successful in sighting and taking down their targets, achieving a 100% success rate for the night. The group of guys proved to be exceptional and we hope they enjoyed the Thermal Hog Hunting Experience . We hope that these Hunters will return in the future for more Exciting Hunting Adventures!

Why We Hunt Wild Hogs

Photo: These Guys Know Why We Hunt Wild Hogs @PigProblem

Photo: Predator Hunts @PigProblem

Hunting Wild Hogs in Georgia is important due to the significant negative impacts they have on the environment, Agriculture, and native wildlife. Wild Hogs are non-native, highly adaptable, and invasive species that reproduce quickly and Cause Extensive Damage.

One of the primary reasons to Hunt Wild Hogs is to control their population. Without any natural Predators, their numbers can rapidly increase, leading to overpopulation. These Hogs Destroy Crops, damage agricultural fields, and negatively impact the economic well-being of Farmers and landowners. By Hunting the Hogs, their population can be managed, minimizing their destructive effects on agriculture and preserving livelihoods.

Additionally, Wild Pigs cause significant ecological damage. Their rooting behavior, where they use their snouts to dig and uproot soil, tears through vegetation and destroys habitats for native wildlife. This disruption in the ecosystem can lead to a decrease in biodiversity and negatively impact native plant species. Hunting Hogs helps restore balance to the ecosystem and prevent further ecological damage.

Wild hogs also pose a threat to human safety. They can be aggressive, especially when startled or cornered, and their large size and sharp tusks make them dangerous. By Hunting and controlling their population, the risk of dangerous encounters with humans and domestic animals is reduced.

Overall, Hunting Wild Pigs in Georgia is crucial to protect the environment, preserve agriculture, and ensure public safety. It helps control their population, minimize ecological damage, and safeguard livelihoods through sustainable and responsible management of this invasive species. Help us control the Wild Hog Population. Book a Hunt.

Cold Temperatures Can't Stop Hog Hunting

Photo: These Piggies Were Cold And Decided To Bundle Up Together To Get Warm @PigProblem

Despite the freezing conditions during the Hunt, Guide Capt Peanut Protector Clayton clothed in his high-speed gear. Yet, even with his preparedness, the chill managed to seep through, leaving him longing for warmer surroundings. In that moment, he couldn't help but draw a parallel to the stereotypical notion that girls are always cold. Reflecting on their tendency to keep their bedrooms icy cold with a cooling fan blowing directly at them, only to wake up and complain about the coldness, Clayton couldn't help but chuckle. However, such a climate was nothing compared to the Frigid Temperatures he had encountered that night. To ensure a comfortable and enjoyable Hog Hunt experience in Americus, it is highly recommended to pack warm clothing and accessories.

This Is The Whole Fam

Photo: Mom and Dad Wasn’t Enough @PigProblem

Last nights Hog Hunt was definitely successful. Capt Peanut Protector took these guys out and showed them The Best Of Hunting. One Hog wasn’t enough for these guys. They wanted to take down the whole Pig family. I’m happy to say they did just that. If you went on a Thermal Hunt to Hunt Wild Hogs, would you be able to do this? I’m not gonna lie, hitting a moving target is a lot harder than it seems. Book a Boar Hunt and lets put your skills to the test.

Hog Season Never Ends

Photo: Hog Down @PigProblem

Photo: Wild Hog Hunting @PigProblem

Photo: Did someone say CORN?!?!?! @PigProblem

Deer season is finally over!!! We love when Deer Season is over because there is Deer Hunters that Hunt on most of the properties we Hog Hunt. Which means we have to leave different fields at certian times so we don’t interfer with someones Deer Hunt. Last Night Wiid Hogs were everywhere. They had 5 Hog encounters, but we could not stack them up. Grateful to take Micheal, Max, & Nate Hog Hunting. They have been Hunting with Capt Max since the beginning of Pig Problem and we are grateful to have them back!

Can You Shoot This Good?

Photo: Pig Pile @PigProblem

Photo: Georgia Pig Problem @PigProblem

"Why be you when you can be me?" - these words spoken by Guide Capt Peanut Protector Clayton capture the essence of the exhilarating experience of a Wild Hog Hunt at Pig Problem. In a recent Successful Hunt, Capt Clayton and these Pro Hunters managed to prevent 10 thieves from devouring Peanut Protector's precious nuts last night. Their impeccable shooting skills truly impressed everyone.

Now, imagine having the opportunity to participate in a Hog Hunt alongside Guide Capt Clayton. Would you possess the skill and precision to take down 10 Wild Pigs in just one night? This is a challenge that can only be answered by booking a Thrilling Hog Hunt with us.

Embark on an Unforgettable Adventure, where you'll be Guided by experts in the field, honing your Hunting Skills and testing your mettle against intelligent, Elusive Wild Hogs. Whether you're a Seasoned Hunter or a novice, you'll be provided with the necessary equipment, knowledge, and support to make this experience a memorable one.

Capture the Rush Of Adrenaline Hunting as you navigate the dense Wilderness in pursuit of these Formidable Creatures. Feel the Thrill of the Hunt as you carefully aim, channeling the spirit of Guide Capt Peanut Protector Clayton himself. This experience will sharpen your senses and reveal a side of yourself you may have never known.

So, if you're ready to embrace the challenge and see if you have what it takes to bring down 10 Wild Hogs in a single night, don't hesitate to Book A Hog Hunt with us. Let's come together and embark on a journey that will test courage, skill, and determination. Discover your true potential - because, after all, why be you when you can be like the Legendary Guide Capt Peanut Protector Claytonde Capt Peanut Protector Clayton?