Hunting Seasons

Thermal Hog Hunting

Photo: Thermal Hog Hunting @PigProblem

Photo: Gut Shot @PigProblem

Thermal Hog Hunt Report: Guide Kevin Leads Successful Nighttime Adventure

Pig Problem's Thermal Hog Hunt, led by Guide Kevin, recently wrapped up a thrilling and challenging night Hog Hunt that tested the skills of our Hog Hunters. Under the cover of darkness, our team embarked on a 10-hour Hunting Adventure from 7pm to 5am, utilizing the latest thermal imaging technology to track down their elusive targets.

The night was filled with excitement as our team stumbled upon a Massive Sounder of approximately 18 Wild Hogs, presenting a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to take down these Cunning Creatures. Despite the difficulty of Hunting moving targets, Guide Kevin and his team remained focused and determined.

After a well-placed shot, the team managed to take down one impressive Hog, a testament to their skill and expertise. However, it's worth noting that Hunting Wild Hogs is an extremely challenging endeavor, requiring precision, patience, and repeated practice.

As Guide Kevin pointed out, "Hunting Wild Hogs is not for the faint of heart. It's a rare individual who can hit a target that's running 15 miles per hour and stands only 3 feet tall." The Hunt is truly a test of skill and endurance, making it all the more satisfying when a successful kill is achieved.

If you're up for the challenge and want to put your Thermal Hog Hunting skills to the test, come join Pig Problem's Expert Guides and Experienced Hunters for an Unforgettable Hunting Adventure. Book your spot today and let's see what you're made of!

Don't Steal From Us

Photo: Farmers>Pigs

Very slow night. Saw some Piglets that have a sixth sense about humans because they have been shot at since they were in the womb so basically Peanut Protector Clayton need a hand grenade and some face paint to get the job done with those ones. Then this Big Boar was hanging out in the middle of the field just eating nuts and stuff having a good day until Guide Capt Clayton ruined his day. Does Guide Peanut Protector Clayton feel bad? No. “My job is too ruin Pigs days so that they don’t ruin farmers days. Farmers > Pigs” -Guide Capt Clayton

New Wild Hog Territory

Hog Hunting

Photo: You’re A Little Dirty Sir @PigProblem

On night 2 of their Wild Hog Hunt, the group was accompanied by Guide Capt Max, who took them to a previously unexplored field. They had two encounters with Wild Hogs before a rainstorm interrupted their Hunt. However, the group was successful in sighting and taking down their targets, achieving a 100% success rate for the night. The group of guys proved to be exceptional and we hope they enjoyed the Thermal Hog Hunting Experience . We hope that these Hunters will return in the future for more Exciting Hunting Adventures!

Father and Son Hunting

Photo: Father and Son’s Hunting @PigProblem

Photo: Thermal Hog Hunts @PigProblem

Last night, we had another successful Hog Hunt. This time, it was a Father and Son Hunting Trip, and they came out victorious, taking down a total of 5 Pigs. Our Guide Peanut Protector Clayton, did an excellent job leading the Hunt, but he's still getting used to the night schedule after having Christmas break.

If you're looking for a unique and exciting way to bond with your family or friends, then look no further than Pig Problem. Our Father and Son Hunts are some of the most popular experiences we offer, as they provide an opportunity to spend quality time in the Great Outdoors while enjoying the thrill of Hog Hunting.

So why wait? Book your Hunting Trip at Pig Problem Inc today and experience the adventure of a lifetime!

Turned A Thermal Hunt Into A Night Vision Hunt

Photo: Hunting Coyotes @PigProblem

Photo: Pig Pile @PigProblem

Photo: Wild Hog Hunting @PigProblem

Last night, Guide Capt Max took three guys on an exciting Guided Hog Hunt. Two of the participants came well-prepared, bringing along high-speed night vision goggles and various other hunting gadgets. The group had an incredibly successful outing, ending the night with the impressive tally of four Hogs and even managing to capture a Coyote.

The Pigs seemed to be active early on, providing the Hunters with plenty of opportunities. However, as the night progressed, their movements slowed down, making the Hunt more challenging. Nonetheless, it was a fantastic night for Wild Hog Hunting.

If you're interested in experiencing the thrill of Hog Hunting and using your own hunting gear, look no further than Pig Problem. Book a Hunt with us today and join Guide Capt Max for an unforgettable adventure. Bring along your hunting toys and make the most of your Hunting Experience. (if you don’t have your own Thermal or night vision we provide everything for you).

No Limit Hog Hunts

Photo: Bloody Hog Massacre @PigProblem

Photo: Thermal Hog Hunting @PigProblem

I’m not surprised these Pigs are still hungry after thanksgiving. Guide Capt. Peanut Protector Clayton ate food then pasted out for a couple hours. Clayton also drank a lot of I'm guessing water so I'm sure it was an amazing nap. He also beat Max in the race. I am surprised, Max doesn't lose to anyone espcially to Clayton. We will see who wins next year. Last year Max won. I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! Book a Hog Hunt today!

Wild Sow Hunting

Photo: Wild Hog Hunting @PigProblemInc

Looking for an Adrenaline-Pumping Hunt? Look no further than Pig Problem Inc, the premier Guided Wild Hog Hunting in South Georgia! Our team specializes in Night Hunts using Thermal Technology to track down these elusive and destructive creatures. Last night's Hog Hunt was an Exciting Adventure with some unexpected challenges. Despite shifting winds and Pigs not moving until later in the night, they were able to take down a Lone Sow. It was 4 against 1 this Wild Hog didn’t stand a chance. They also attempted to stalk a small sounder later that night, before they could take any shots the Herd of Wild Hogs quickly exited the field. At Pig Problem Inc, we pride ourselves on providing an Unforgettable Hunting Experience while also helping to control the population of these invasive animals. Book Your Next Hog Hunt with us for an experience you won't soon forget!

Pig Problem Inc. Georgia Hog Hunting Thermal Guided Night Hog Hunts

We are Booking Hunts, October is filling up quick. Capt. Wes Jones, Clay McArdle, And Capt. Max Shifler will be guiding Hunts starting October 1st.