Hunting Rig

Don't Steal From Us

Photo: Farmers>Pigs

Very slow night. Saw some Piglets that have a sixth sense about humans because they have been shot at since they were in the womb so basically Peanut Protector Clayton need a hand grenade and some face paint to get the job done with those ones. Then this Big Boar was hanging out in the middle of the field just eating nuts and stuff having a good day until Guide Capt Clayton ruined his day. Does Guide Peanut Protector Clayton feel bad? No. “My job is too ruin Pigs days so that they don’t ruin farmers days. Farmers > Pigs” -Guide Capt Clayton

Southern Comfort


We hunt exclusively at night out of our AWD Explorer Van appropriately named Southern Comfort. One of the most over looked things about hunting at night is comfort and the ability to communicate. We are a technology based hunt so most hunters have a ton of questions. We can talk freely inside with A/C or the heat depending on time of year. Having the ability to understand your surroundings and know what thermal can and can’t do is part of the experience. Our Van is a mobile hunting blind once we spot pigs we gear up and stalk up as close as we can to get you the best opportunity.