night hog hunts

Thermal Hog Hunting

Photo: Thermal Hog Hunting @PigProblem

Photo: Gut Shot @PigProblem

Thermal Hog Hunt Report: Guide Kevin Leads Successful Nighttime Adventure

Pig Problem's Thermal Hog Hunt, led by Guide Kevin, recently wrapped up a thrilling and challenging night Hog Hunt that tested the skills of our Hog Hunters. Under the cover of darkness, our team embarked on a 10-hour Hunting Adventure from 7pm to 5am, utilizing the latest thermal imaging technology to track down their elusive targets.

The night was filled with excitement as our team stumbled upon a Massive Sounder of approximately 18 Wild Hogs, presenting a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to take down these Cunning Creatures. Despite the difficulty of Hunting moving targets, Guide Kevin and his team remained focused and determined.

After a well-placed shot, the team managed to take down one impressive Hog, a testament to their skill and expertise. However, it's worth noting that Hunting Wild Hogs is an extremely challenging endeavor, requiring precision, patience, and repeated practice.

As Guide Kevin pointed out, "Hunting Wild Hogs is not for the faint of heart. It's a rare individual who can hit a target that's running 15 miles per hour and stands only 3 feet tall." The Hunt is truly a test of skill and endurance, making it all the more satisfying when a successful kill is achieved.

If you're up for the challenge and want to put your Thermal Hog Hunting skills to the test, come join Pig Problem's Expert Guides and Experienced Hunters for an Unforgettable Hunting Adventure. Book your spot today and let's see what you're made of!

Another One Bites The Dust

Photo: Pig Problem @PigProblem

Photo: Hog Hunting In Georgia @PigProblem

Photo: Thermal Hunts @PigProblem

From the famous words of Guide Capt Peanut Protector Clayton “another one bites the dust”. Last nights Guided Hog Hunt ended in Hog Eradication. These guys know what they are doing. Thermal Hog Hunting is more fun and exhilarating than sitting in a stand hoping a Wild Hog will walk in your path. At Pig Problem Inc you actually get to Hunt For Hogs. You get to Hunt At Night when everything that lives in the woods comes out of hiding. You get to see first hand the latest Thermal Technology, which allows us to give you the Best Hunting Experience. We love what we do. Book a Thermal Hog Hunt today and see why for yourself.

Pig Pile

Photo: Pig Pile @PigProblem

Last nights Thermal Wild Hog Hunt was a success. Guide Capt Max was able to put these guys on a Sounder Of Hogs, and they were able to put 5 down for the night. The long stalks was worth it. This is what we call Precision Shooting. These Wild Hogs didn’t know what they were walking into last night. Hunting In Georgia espeacilly here in South Georgia, it is just different. We have everything Pigs love, corn and peanuts. We have to Protect The Crops. Book a Wild Hog Hunt. It’s worth your while.