Guided Hog HUnts

Thermal Hog Hunting

Photo: Thermal Hog Hunting @PigProblem

Photo: Gut Shot @PigProblem

Thermal Hog Hunt Report: Guide Kevin Leads Successful Nighttime Adventure

Pig Problem's Thermal Hog Hunt, led by Guide Kevin, recently wrapped up a thrilling and challenging night Hog Hunt that tested the skills of our Hog Hunters. Under the cover of darkness, our team embarked on a 10-hour Hunting Adventure from 7pm to 5am, utilizing the latest thermal imaging technology to track down their elusive targets.

The night was filled with excitement as our team stumbled upon a Massive Sounder of approximately 18 Wild Hogs, presenting a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to take down these Cunning Creatures. Despite the difficulty of Hunting moving targets, Guide Kevin and his team remained focused and determined.

After a well-placed shot, the team managed to take down one impressive Hog, a testament to their skill and expertise. However, it's worth noting that Hunting Wild Hogs is an extremely challenging endeavor, requiring precision, patience, and repeated practice.

As Guide Kevin pointed out, "Hunting Wild Hogs is not for the faint of heart. It's a rare individual who can hit a target that's running 15 miles per hour and stands only 3 feet tall." The Hunt is truly a test of skill and endurance, making it all the more satisfying when a successful kill is achieved.

If you're up for the challenge and want to put your Thermal Hog Hunting skills to the test, come join Pig Problem's Expert Guides and Experienced Hunters for an Unforgettable Hunting Adventure. Book your spot today and let's see what you're made of!

Georgia Wild Hog Hunts

Photo: Hog Down @PigProblem

Photo: Hogs Lined Up @PigProblem

Photo: Boar Huntnig @PigProblem

Join us at Pig Problem for an Unforgettable Hog Hunting Experience in the wilds of Americus, Georgia! Our Guided Hog Hunting Company specializes in Nighttime Hunts using Thermal Imaging Technology to track down these Elusive Creatures.

Under the expert guidance of Guide Kevin, you'll embark on an exciting adventure through the South Georgia Wilderness in search of Wild Hogs. Equipped with Top-of-the-line Thermal Equipment, you'll have the opportunity to test your skills and aim as you track down these elusive and Destructive Hogs.

Whether you're a Seasoned Hunter or new to the sport, our team at Pig Problem Inc is dedicated to providing a safe and Successful Hunting Experience for all. Come join us for a Thrilling Night of Hog Hunting under the Georgia stars with Guide Kevin leading the way. Book Your Hunt with us today and let's tackle the pig problem together!

Hunting Wild Hogs

Photo Night 1: Wild Hogs Down @PigProblem

Photo Night 2: Killin Time @PigProblem

These guys went on a 2 Night Hog Hunting Trip at Pig Problem. Guide Peanut Protector Capt Clayton took them on a Hog Hunt, showing them the Night Life In Americus. On the first night they were able to take down 4 Big Hogs. This group looks unstoppable. The second night there was a Hog Contest going on in our area and had pretty much all of Georgia involved. They still managed to get one! “If there was a Hog scaring contest I would win” -Capt Clayton.

The Power Couple

Photo: Couple Hunts @PigProblem

Photo: Stiff As A Board @PigProblem

Last night, an adventurous young couple successfully took down a total of 8 Wild Hogs. Despite the freezing cold conditions, Guide Capt Max, confirmed that the Hogs were active. They even left one Pig in the field for so long that they couldn't get it to lay on its belly. Fortunately, the customer managed to capture the other 3 Hog Hunting Photos on her phone, so don’t think we are lying about the 8 Wild Pigs. The entire experience was truly Action-Packed and thrilling, as the couple indulged in an Exhilarating Night of Thermal Hunting.

Honeymoon Hog Hunt

Photo: Honeymoon Pig Plaza @PigProblemInc

Welcome to Pig Problem Inc, where we offer a Unique Honeymoon Experience like no other. With Unlimited Wild Hogs at your fingertips, why book a flight to an island? Caleb and Madison got married a few days ago and instead of typical boring honeymoon stuff they decided they wanted to kill things together as a married couple. I think this is a great way to get closer to eachother and gives the girls a chance to let their new husbands know that if they piss them off that they will show no mercy and go for glory. “Not only do I teach people how to hunt safely and walk around like ninjas to kill, I teach them something even more valuable than that. Glory. Always go for glory.” - Peanut Protector Guide Clayton.

Videos Of Thermal Hog Hunting

Hog Hunting Video

If you're a fan of Hunting, then you've likely considered Wild Hog Hunting at least once in your life. And if you're looking for an Exciting Hunting Adventure, Guided Hog Hunting at Pig Problem Inc in Americus Georgia will be the perfect choice for you. Hog hunting in South Georgia is a popular sport that attracts Hunters from all over the country. The vast and lush forests of this region provide ample opportunities for hunting, especially for Wild Hogs. With a Guided Hog Hunting Experience, hunters can have a thrilling and safe time. One of the major advantages of going on a guided hog hunting adventure is the expertise you'll gain. The guides are experienced Hunters who know the ins and outs of the terrain and have an in-depth knowledge of the wildlife, including the habits and tendencies of Wild Hogs. They can guide you to the right spots and help you bag that Prize Hog. Guided Hog Hunting in South Georgia is an excellent way to experience the outdoors and enjoy the thrill of Hunting At Night. This adventure offers an opportunity to learn new skills, meet new people, and have an Unforgettable Trip. So, grab your Hunting Gear and head straight to Americus Georgia for a memorable Hunting Adventure!

Night Hog Hunting

Photo: Wild Boar Hunts @PigProblemInc.

Capt. Wes was able to get these guys on some hogs early but none went down. His next attempt was this big boar hog. He crept through the peanut field with the full moon shining bright. He was able to close the distance like a Sasquatch avoiding squatch patrol photographers. He set his guys up and on the count down of 3 - 2 - Bang! Down it went. I don’t know if its Capt. Wes’s tactical beard or his high speed CZ Shadow 2 orange he carries. All we know is he has sKills.