Night Hog Hunting Georiga

The Pig On A Silver Platter

Photo: Pro Hunters @PigProblem

Photo: Christmas Eve Piggy @PigProblem

Photo: Hog On A Silver Platter @PigProblem

Chris and Jacob had yet another successful night on their 2 Night Hog Hunting Package at Pig Problem. After tracking a group of Pigs through a vast field, we unfortunately lost sight of them and decided to move on quickly in search of new targets. As we were leaving the field, to our surprise, a Wild Pig emerged from the trees directly in front of our Pig Van, approximately 200 yards away.

Without wasting any time, they swiftly assembled their gear and cautiously approached the Hog, hugging the tree line from a distance of about 90 yards. With precise shots, they targeted the hind legs of the Wild Hog. Despite being wounded, the determined pig dragged itself off the field, showcasing incredible resilience.

In a decisive move, Chris administered a follow-up shot to the Pig's neck, swiftly ending its suffering. Astonishingly, the Hog positioned itself in such a perfect manner that it appeared as if it had served itself up on a silver platter. Even for the photo, Guide Luke didn't need to reposition it; such was the Hog's stillness. This unforgettable moment will forever be etched in our memories.

Although it was the only pig of the night, the thrill and satisfaction derived from this Hunt were unparalleled. Don't miss your chance to experience the excitement of a Guided Hog Hunt. Book with us today at Pig Problem Inc and embark on a memorable Hunting Adventure.

Merry BALL-Stuffing: Our Hilarious Hog Hunt Adventure

Photo: Hog Hunting @PigProblem

Photo: Thermal Hunts @PigProblem

Photo: Boar Hunting In Georgia @PigProblem

Photo: Bacon @PigProblem

Photo: Had To Give This Hog A Shout Out, He Deserves It @PigProblem

Photo: He had to drag and hike out the meat as he couldn’t drive in the fields. So this is how he ended up @PigProblem

Merry Christmas!! During a midnight snack raid by some Mischievous Piggies, Chris and Jacob decided to put an end to their lives as a suitable punishment. They embarked on a pleasant trek through the field, solely for the purpose of encountering these Wild Pigs, and Chris and Jacob did not disappoint. It was Jacob's First Hunting Experience, and he showcased a remarkable instinct as a natural-born killer. As they made there way off the field, another Hog unwittingly sealed its fate by crossing our path. A single shot from each Hunter swiftly took down the Wild Boar. Upon approaching the fallen creature, we couldn't help but notice its massive pair of testicles and decided to capture the moment in a photograph. It seems that size doesn't always equate to superiority, as this Overly Confident Hog assumed that no one would dare to approach him with such an impressive pair. Guide Luke was tired after having to drag the Hogs off the field then carry all the meat to the Hog Van. Since they couldn’t drive to that part of the field. Very thankful Max captured the lovely bathroom picture. Being a Hog Guide isn’t always a rainbows and butterflies. Book a Father and Son Hunt today with Pig Problem!

Night Hunts

Photo: Hog Hunts In Georgia @PigProblem

Night Hunting Wild Hogs is an exhilarating experience especially in South Georgia. These animals are intelligent and tough, which makes them a formidable challenge for hunters which is why we use thermal technology in our nighttime Hog Hunting Adventures. The use of Thermal Technology is a game-changer for Wild Hog Hunting. It allows Hunters to see these elusive animals in complete darkness, making it easier to Hunt Pigs at night. Thermal Imaging cameras detect the heat signatures of the animals and display them on a screen in real-time. Hunting at Night provides its own unique set of challenges, and understanding the behavior of Wild Hogs during different times of the day is crucial. During the daytime, Hogs tend to be more active and mobile, while at night, they tend to be more cautious and stay in the same area. Book A Hog Hunt today and lets see you Hunt Wild Hogs Using Thermal.

Best Hog Hunter In Georgia

Photo: Peanut Protector Guide Clayton @PigProblem

“This is what we do on our nights off. Most of the time we drink beer. All of the time. And then sometimes we go hunting”- Peanut Protector Guide Clayton. Guide Clayton had the night off and decided he wanted to Hunt Wild Hogs. I haven’t seen the video yet of him shooting so I can’t tell ya’ll how good he is. He says he is the best. I will definitely be posting his Hog Hunt Video so everyone can see if he is the Best Hunter. Then we all can try to beat the Best Hog Hunter in Georgia.