The Best Thing To Do In Americus, Ga

Photo: Ameriucs Night Life @PigProblem

Guide Clay led a group of college kids on a 1 Night Hog Hunt with Pig Problem. The night was long, but filled with excitement as they finally got on some Pigs around 2 am. For about two hours, they chased the Elusive Animals around the field, determined to make the most of the Hunt.

In the end, our efforts paid off as they successfully took down a total of 4 Wild Pigs. It was a rewarding experience for all of them, with the college kids enjoying the thrill of the chase and the camaraderie that comes with a night spent in the wilderness. As Guide Clay, was proud to lead the group and facilitate an Unforgettable Hunting Adventure for everyone involved. Cheers to a successful Night of Hunting and memories made that will last a lifetime.