Best Hog Hunting In The States

Photo Night 1: Wild Hogs Down @PigProblem

Photo Night !: Thermal Hog Hunting @PigProblem

Photo Night 2: Pig Pile! @PigProblem

Photo Night 2: Stacks Of Bacon @PigProblem

Photo Night 2: Hunting In The Dark @PigProblem

Guide Capt Max led a group of Hunters on a thrilling 2 Night Wild Hog Hunt at Pig Problem. The first night yielded a total of 4 Hogs, with one Hog proving to be a challenge as it hid in a bush. Thanks to the darkness of the night, the Hunters were able to sneak in and take down their prey.

The second night was even more successful, with Capt Max urging the Wild Hogs to "Drop The Nuts." The group prided themselves with 100% free range and fair chase Wild Hog Meat, making each kill a true test of skill and patience. Capt Max, known for his intense Passion for Hunting, showed his true colors as a psychopath when he isn’t busy with his various roles in life.

Hunters Bruce, Ed, and Scott were on fire during this Hunt, with a total of 11 Hogs Taken Down on the second night alone. It was a truly exhilarating experience for the group as they worked together to track down and eliminate their targets. With Capt Max at the helm, we hope this Hunt was one they would never forget.