Pig Problem Inc. Georgia - Hog Hunts - 706-927-5580

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Do You Know What A Hog's Best Sense Is?

Photo: Big Boar @PigProblem

They encountered warm weather and shifting winds while Hunting. They managed to take down a Big Boar. However, there were a few instances where we were winded during our Stalks. For those who may not understand, being winded refers to a situation where the wind changes direction while we're approaching the Hogs, and they are able to pick up our scent. Unlike most animals, Wild Hogs don’t have night vision, their eyes are similar to humans. However, their sense of smell is incredibly strong and they can detect scents from miles away. Feral Hogs possess an extremely well developed sense of smell; in fact, smell is a Hog's best sense. They rely heavily on it to detect danger and seek out food. They can smell some odors 5-7 miles away and can detect odors as many as 25 feet underground!