Wild Boar Hunting In Americus, Ga

Photo: Wild Boar Hunting @PigProblem

Guide Capt Max led a 2 Night Hog Hunt for Pig Problem, with some interesting experiences to share.

On the first night, they had a long night of guarding the cornfields that were planted, but eventually found a Single Boar rooting in a field. It was a slow start, but they were able to successfully take down the Boar. Guide Capt Max was hopeful that the second night would be more fast-paced and exciting.

The second night brought some challenges as they found themselves scaring away Wild Hogs and taking shots at some that didn't go down and made it into the woods. Despite the difficulties, Guide Capt Max and his group had a fun time Hunting for Hogs and enjoyed the overall experience.

Overall, the 2-Night Thermal Hog Hunt led by Guide Capt Max for Pig Problem had its ups and downs, but it was a memorable Hunting Adventure for everyone involved.