Piggy Piggy

No Turkeys Here

Photo: Wild Hog Hunting @PigProblem

Guide Capt Max led a 1 Night Guided Hog Hunt at Pig Problem for some high school seniors who were unable to find land for Turkey Hunting, but opted for Hog Hunting instead. Capt Max described them as outstanding young men, eager for their Hunting Experience.

Throughout the night, the Hunters had two encounters with Hogs, but only a small one fell to their shot. Despite this, Capt Max considered it a Successful Hunt, providing the young men with an exciting and memorable experience.

As they wrapped up their Hunt and headed back to their homes, Capt Max couldn't help but feel proud of the Hunters and grateful for the opportunity to guide them on their Hog Hunting Adventure at Pig Problem Inc.

Hunting Hogs In South Georgia

Photo: Wild Hog Hunting @PigProblem

Photo: It’s Okay Google Just Paint @PigProblem

Photo: Fun Hog Hunts @PigProblem

Guide Capt Max led Dan and Karl on a Thermal Hog Hunt at Pig Problem. The night started slow, but after midnight, it seemed as if all Hogs in South Georgia was out and about. Throughout the night, the Hunters took down three Hogs, each shot bringing them closer to their Hunting Goals.

Capt Max was grateful for Dan and Karl choosing to come back to Americus, Ga for another Hog Hunting Adventure with his team. He guided them through the fields, carefully positioning them to take aim and fire at their targets.

Dan and Karl were thrilled with their Successful Hunt, amazed at the Abundance of Hogs in the area. They thanked Capt Max and his team for the fantastic experience and promised to return for more Thrilling Hunts in the future.

Calling The Mighty Pig Gods

Photo: Thank You Pig Gods @PigProblem

Guide Capt Max had been leading Wild Hog Hunts at Pig Problem for years, but this particular night was shaping up to be one for the books. The first night had been long and challenging, with the Hogs proving to be elusive and cunning. But Guide Capt Max knew that perseverance was key in any Thermal Hunt, and he was determined to make the most of the second night of Hog Hunting.

As the group set out into the darkness, the air was thick with anticipation. The Wild Hogs were out there somewhere, waiting to be found. Guide Capt Max called upon the Pig Gods for assistance, knowing that their guidance would lead them to success.

The team moved through the dense underbrush, their senses on high alert. Suddenly, a rustling in the bushes ahead caught Guide Capt Max's attention. He signaled for the group to stop and listened intently. Sure enough, the distinct sounds of snorting and Grunting filled the air.

With expert precision, Guide Capt Max led the group towards the source of the noise. The Pigs were close now, their scent strong in the air. It was time to make their move.

As the Wild Pigs burst from the undergrowth, the group sprang into action. Shots rang out, and the Hogs fell one by one. Guide Capt Max watched with satisfaction as the Pile Of Hogs grew larger and larger. The Pig Gods had truly smiled upon them this night.

As the Hog Hunt came to an end, Guide Capt Max couldn't help but reflect on the thrill of the chase. Every moment of the night had been Milked for all it was worth, and the team had emerged victorious. Another Successful Hunt at Pig Problem Inc, thanks in no small part to Guide Capt Max's expert leadership.

Wild Boar Hunting In Americus, Ga

Photo: Wild Boar Hunting @PigProblem

Guide Capt Max led a 2 Night Hog Hunt for Pig Problem, with some interesting experiences to share.

On the first night, they had a long night of guarding the cornfields that were planted, but eventually found a Single Boar rooting in a field. It was a slow start, but they were able to successfully take down the Boar. Guide Capt Max was hopeful that the second night would be more fast-paced and exciting.

The second night brought some challenges as they found themselves scaring away Wild Hogs and taking shots at some that didn't go down and made it into the woods. Despite the difficulties, Guide Capt Max and his group had a fun time Hunting for Hogs and enjoyed the overall experience.

Overall, the 2-Night Thermal Hog Hunt led by Guide Capt Max for Pig Problem had its ups and downs, but it was a memorable Hunting Adventure for everyone involved.

Muddy Hog Hunting

Photo: Muddy Hog Hunting @PigProblem

Guide Capt Clay led a 1 Night Hog Hunting Excursion for Pig Problem, in Americus, Ga. Upon pulling into the first field, he spotted two groups of Pigs. Despite the thick moisture in the air and occasional sprinkles of rain, they managed to track down one group after a 1.5 Mile Stalk. Only one Baby Hog was taken down in the field, as the rest escaped. An hour later, they found another Group of Hogs in a different field and successfully shot down four. The Hunting Expedition left everyone, including Guide Capt Peanut Protector Clayton, covered in mud - from the van to the guns to the people themselves, there was mud everywhere.

The Notorious P.I.G. (Hog Hypnotize 2024 Remastered)

Photo: Piggy Piggy Piggy Can’t You See? @PigProblem

Photo: Sometimes, Your Walk Just Hypnotize Me @PigProblem

Photo: And I Just Love Your Flashy Ways, I @PigProblem

Photo: Guess That’s Why They Alive And You’re So Dead @PigProblem

Hunting Hogs with Thermal Imaging Technology is already a serious business, but why not add a little fun into the mix? Introducing The Notorious P.I.G. - a playful twist on the legendary rapper Notorious B.I.G. and his hit song "Hypnotize."

Picture this: you're out in the field on a Stalk, armed with your Thermal Scope, on the Hunt for those Elusive Hogs. As you scan the darkness, the unmistakable beat of "Hypnotize" starts playing in your head. And just like that, you're in the zone, feeling like a boss ready to take down some serious Porky Prey.

With Hog Hypnotize by the Notorious P.I.G. playing in your mind, every Hog you spot through your Thermal scope becomes a Target worth pursuing. You'll be strutting through the Fields like a Confident Hunter, channeling the swagger and attitude of the one and only Biggie Smalls. lol or Piggie Smalls.

So next time you're out Hog Hunting with Pig Problem, don't forget to crank up the Notorious P.I.G. for some added flair and entertainment. After all, a little humor and music can make even the most Serious Hunts a whole lot more enjoyable. Who knew that Hunting Wild Hogs could be so catchy and fun? Make sure you ask Guide Peanut Protector Capt. Clayton to play you the song. Maybe you will end up with 7 Wild Hogs like this guy did.